Dear JavaWorks Family,

I hope this note finds you, your family, and your loved ones healthy and safe.
At JavaWorks, we feel so honored to be a family-owned organization that has the blessing of
putting our best foot forward to serve the needs of our partners, while providing a stable,
growth-oriented workplace for our employees. The sheer breadth of that perspective makes
this note of gratitude especially poignant for me this year considering all our friends, family and
World have endured.

We often use the phrase “unprecedented times”, but this year, it rings true. We have borne
witness to changes in even the most mundane parts of our lives—hugging friends, shaking
hands, breathing freely without a mask, and traveling freely. We’ve had to adapt our businesses
and lives in even the most granular activities, and grappled with uncertainty and fear along the

As the year of 2020 turns, I am thankful to find myself sincerely hopeful, encouraged, and
grateful by the caliber of our people and of you, our customers. In particular, two profound
truths stand out to me after the lessons of the last 9 months:

 – First, the overwhelming significance of meaningful and lasting relationships. Never have
they meant more!
 – Second, the importance of taking the focus off of myself and placing it in the service of

Regarding relationships, you have stood by us during one of the most challenging years of our
14-year heritage. We are so grateful for loyalty that runs so much deeper than having us help
you with your break-room solutions. From the bottom of all of our hearts, thank you for your
continued faith in JavaWorks.

Regarding service, we have been reminded that in the face of fearful and uncertain times,
courage is most easily found in seeing the needs others have—co-workers, friends, family,
customers—and placing your heart and soul in the pursuit of meeting those needs. One of our
organizational core beliefs is, “If you help enough other people get what they want, you’ll
have everything you need as well.” We have clung to that maxim this year and found courage
and conviction in otherwise unfathomable circumstances.

As you enter this season, please know that all of us at JavaWorks are most grateful for the
richness of our relationship with you and the chance to be of service to you. These things have
sustained us through 2020 and will remain our clear focus moving forward.

We remain thankful for you, your trust, your friendship, and the opportunity to serve you.
Stay safe, be well, and know we are most grateful for you!

With appreciation, 
Chad Panton


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